Plan Your Visit


Sundays at 11am

Join Victory!

At Victory we believe in building up ourselves in the Word of God. So that we may be equipped to go and build up others.

What are your services like?

You can expect a fast moving, 90-minute service. God's music, His Word, and His people. Expect to experience the true power of God above all else.

Where should I park?

It's easiest to park in the lot off of Livingston Road (next to the soccer field). Feel free to also park in the bus lots off of Berry Road (the school's main entry way). Service is held in the Upper Campus Cafeteria. 

Where should I go when I enter the building?

There will be signs and greeters at the door happy to direct you. Service is held in the upper campus cafeteria. The upper campus is next to the soccer field at the Livingston Road entrance. 

Do you provide childcare?

Victory Kids is available for ages 3-12. We also have Victory Youth for ages 13-18. The children remain in the sanctuary for the music or worship portion of our service. They are then dismissed for children's church shortly after.

What should I wear?

There is no dress code, wear what ever you are comfortable in!

length of service?

You can expect a 90 minute Sunday service that begins promptly at 11:00am.